From note one till the last humm of the amps they grab you and force you to pay attention. A sound that’s best described as in your face bad ass punk. After 30 years in the scene it is very rare for a band to come along that grabs me and makes me stand up […]
Just got this hot new diddy from our friends at Dead Lamb records. Future Hate, my exact kind of raw unapologetic good old punk rock. Love the overall sound of the band, your head starts nodding on it’s own. Taking me back to bands like Naked Aggression, and a more aggressive Bikini Kill. Overall a […]
From the Ukraine and Lambnation IV (Dead Lamb Records comp.) comes something you’re not likely to forget anytime soon. Horror punk from another world. Not really like any other band I can put a finger on, they are truly unique. Theatric lyrics, grinding guitars and vocals, put you in the mood to fix a drink […]
From Dead Lamb records worldly ‘Lambnation IV’ compilation comes Animal Train (USA), at first glance this really reminded me of Naked Aggression but it soon takes on a life of it’s own hard, edgie, well played and written. I’m not the type to give a rating, thumbs up/down stars ect.. I’ll just say this is […]